Creating A React App

2 min readJun 28, 2021


The purpose of this blog is to go over the beginning steps of setting up a react app. I will be going over console commands and beginning tips and tricks for how the App will run. This Application being demonstrated will not have a backend so it will not have Crud functionality or go into detail on how to set that up.

Setting up environment

First thing that we should do is set up the environment. This has been made easy and is just a simple command.

~ npx create-react-app my-app

Now we have the environment in order to build the app. It will have some code built in that you can delete if you wish. Before we go on I want to point out the structure of the app as it is now.

You can see this on the top of the Index.js file and can see that we are importing everything from the other Js files. This is the parent page that is displaying all the information for the Js files when we run the app. The easiest way to keep track of this flow is to look at what is being imported. If it looks like this is the peak of the flow of information this is also were you should consider passing in data from your backed-end.



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